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Merupakan toko kamera digital, peralatan fotografi dan gadgets berlokasi di Jakarta yang melayani secara online dan dapat mengirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia (menggunakan jasa TIKIJNE berasuransi www.jne.co.id ).

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Lowepro Compu Rover AW
Up to 17" notebook computer. Large Digital or 35mm Pro SLR with lens attached, 2-4 additional lenses...
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Lowepro Compu Trekker AW
1-2 SLRs and 4-6 lenses (80-200mm f/2.8) or compact medium format system; large notebook computer; a...
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Lowepro Compu Trekker Plus AW
Notebook computer (up to 17" screen); Pro digital SLR; 35 mm or compact medium format system, 4-5 le...
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Lowepro Edit 120
digital video camera and accessories
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Lowepro Edit 140
digital video camera and accessories
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Lowepro Edit 160
Digital video camera plus accessories
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Lowepro EX160
DSLR with attached compact zoom lens, or a compact video camera; extra lens; accessories; small pers...
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Lowepro Fastpack 350
1 pro digital SLR with lens attached (up to 70-200mm f/2.8), 2-3 additional lenses or flash units, 1...
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Lowepro Flipside 300
1 Pro DSLR with 300mm f/2.8 lens attached plus 1–3 additional lenses or flash units, 1 tripod, mul...
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Lowepro Flipside 400
1 pro DSLR with lens attached (300mm f/2.8) plus an additional body, 4-6 additional lenses, chargers...
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Lowepro Geneva 10
Ultra-compact point-and-shoot camera or small digital device; memory card
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Lowepro Inverse 100AW
1 pro DSLR with medium zoom lens attached plus 1 additional lens or flash unit; charger and cords; f...
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Lowepro Lens Case 1
Compact normal or wide-angle lens or short zoom
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Lowepro Micro Trekker 100
SLR with attached 80–200mm f/2.8 lens (most makes) plus 3 more lenses or an additional body or a f...
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