Usable worldwide: Charge AA or AAA batteries directly from various USB ports, including USB AC adaptors, PCs, Laptop, or Power Bank.
Charge multiple batteries simultaneously, two or four at a time.
Safety features include auto charge cut-off, safety timer and non-rechargeable battery detection.
Ideal for multi-use devices: mice, remote controllers, clocks, radios, flash lights, IC recorders, toys, cameras.
Sony Power Charger Kode BCG-34HHU4K
- Battery Made in Japan
- Charger menggunakan Kabel Micro USB 5V
- Lama charging sekitar 6jam
- Luar Jawa / LUAR Jakarta WAJIB JNE
- Sudah termasuk 4 pcs baterai AA Sony NiMH 2000 mAh, min 1900mAh
- terdapat 4 slot untuk baterai AA / AAA
- TIDAK termasuk kabel microusb dan adaptornya.
2 led indicator
Automatic cut off timer for safety charging
Alkaline battery detection
Recharge up to 1000 x
individual cell charging control
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